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For God, Country, and Coca-Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It
For God, Country, and Coca-Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It
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For God, Country, and Coca-Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It
Author : Mark Pendergrast
From its invention as a cocaine-laced patent medicine in the Gilded Age to its globe-drenching ubiquity as the ultimate symbol of consumer capitalism in the twenty-first century, Coca-Cola’s dramatic history unfolds as the ultimate business saga. In this fully revised and expanded edition of For God, Country & Coca-Cola, Mark Pendergrast looks at America’s cultural, social, and economic history through the bottom of a green glass Coke bottle and tells the captivating story of the world’s most recognizable consumer product.
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