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How to Analyze People: Dark Psychology – Dark Secrets to Analyze and Influence Anyone Using Body Language, Human Psychology, Subliminal Persuasion and Nlp


How to Analyze People: Dark Psychology – Dark Secrets to Analyze and Influence Anyone Using Body Language, Human Psychology, Subliminal Persuasion and Nlp

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How to Analyze People: Dark Psychology – Dark Secrets to Analyze and Influence Anyone Using Body Language, Human Psychology, Subliminal Persuasion and Nlp

Author :  James Williams

If you’re tired of being manipulated, then there are ways that you can stop the control others have over you. Whether you’re being tricked into doing things you don’t want, or others are taking advantage of you, there are ways to stop manipulation and persuasion in its tracks.

This is the second book in the Dark Psychology series. The first one gave a groundwork for what different types of persuasion and manipulation might be. This book will take you through the process of using these tactics to their advantage.

The first half of the book will discuss what makes up an individual. The way you use your body, the words that you choose to speak, and the way that they were raised all play important roles in what makes an individual. You will also have to look at your own self and pick out all of these unique things that make them different from everyone else as well.



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