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Author :Brooke Baldwin 

CNN news anchor Brooke Baldwin explores the phenomenon of what she calls the “huddle,” when women get together—in politics, Hollywood, activism, the arts, sports, and everyday friendships — to provide each other support, empowerment, inspiration, and the strength to solve problems or enact meaningful change. Whether they are facing adversity (like workplace inequity or a global pandemic) or organizing to make the world a better place, women are a highly potent resource for one another.

Through a mix of journalism and personal narrative, Baldwin takes readers beyond the big headline-making huddles from the last few years (such as the Women’s March, #MeToo, Times Up, and the pink wave in the 2018 midterm elections) and embeds herself in groups of women of all ages, races, religions and socio-economic backgrounds who are banding together in America. HUDDLE explores several stories including:


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