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Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health


Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health

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Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health

Author : Marie Spano, Laura Kruskall, D. Travis Thomas

Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health includes applied content and research-based guidelines to help students distinguish between nutrition recommendations backed by science and the plethora of misinformation available in the field. This comprehensive resource blends nutrition and exercise science with practical information to provide a clear understanding of how nutrition affects sports, exercise, and overall health.

Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health covers the basics of nutrition, including the functions of and daily allowances for carbohydrate, fat, and protein, as well as micronutrient recommendations; the importance of hydration and electrolyte balance; nutrition in health and disease prevention; population-based nutrition considerations for training and sports; and practical information on measuring and altering body composition. The accessible presentation of material keeps students from getting too bogged down in research, and the text offers real-world applications. Students will also discover career opportunities available to them, including qualifications and job responsibilities for each position.

The full-color text includes more than 70 photos and more than 140 illustrations alongside digestible, engaging writing. Concepts are presented in a user-friendly manner, and each chapter includes a number of features that enhance understanding:

• Chapter objectives provide a roadmap to ease students into upcoming content.

• Key terms help students focus on important vocabulary. The key terms are identified at the beginning of the chapter, appear in boldface within the chapter, and are included within the glossary, where they are defined.

• Putting It Into Perspective sidebars contain compact vignettes that help college students relate to the content and apply the concepts to their own lives.

• Do You Know? sidebars are short callouts that provide key insights and easy takeaways for students.

• Review questions help students identify areas they may need to revisit as well as reinforce key concepts.

Content is organized in a logical sequence, with each chapter building upon the information previously presented. In part I, the reader is provided with an overview of the role nutrition plays in overall well-being throughout a person’s life. Part II focuses on each macronutrient and its role in health and disease, as well as dietary recommendations that support health and an active lifestyle. The role of micronutrients in health and performance is covered in part III. Part IV provides information on the application of nutrition to sport, exercise, and health.

Instructors will find a full suite of ancillaries that will be helpful in their teaching. The instructor guide and presentation package plus image bank will help in preparing for class, while the test package and chapter quizzes will help assess student learning.

Students and professionals alike will benefit from the broad coverage found in Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health. Armed with accessible, research-based application, readers will have the tools they need to improve athletic performance, exercise outcomes, and general well-being.


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