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Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Guide to Hacking Laziness, Building Self Discipline, and Overcoming Procrastination
Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Guide to Hacking Laziness, Building Self Discipline, and Overcoming Procrastination
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Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Guide to Hacking Laziness, Building Self Discipline, and Overcoming Procrastination
Author : Nils Salzgeber
Are you tired of the guilt, stress, and overwhelm that comes with procrastination?
Do you want to learn the secret to getting things done quickly and effectively, so that you can increase your success in all areas of life?
In this no-fluff and action-oriented book, you’ll discover the real reason behind your procrastination (there’s only one!) and you’ll find potent tools to help you overcome procrastination for good.
In Stop Procrastinating You’ll Discover…
More than 20 science-based strategies designed to help you overcome laziness, free yourself from excessive guilt, and get things done whether you feel like it or not.
A simple strategy for programming your unconscious mind to act in any way you like
New research explaining differences between procrastinators and non-procrastinators (Hint: procrastination is not your fault.)
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