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The 90-Day Home Workout Plan: A Total Body Fitness Program for Weight Training, Cardio, Core & Stretching


The 90-Day Home Workout Plan: A Total Body Fitness Program for Weight Training, Cardio, Core & Stretching

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The 90-Day Home Workout Plan: A Total Body Fitness Program for Weight Training, Cardio, Core & Stretching

Author : Dale L. Roberts

Are you tired of having a flabby stomach, no muscle tone, and zero energy? Wouldn’t you feel great being the alpha male you were born to be?

Then, “The 90-Day Home Workout Plan” has precisely what you need to look great naked, increase your energy and dominate your life as a pack leader.

The #1 Best Selling Fitness Author Dale L. Roberts presents your foolproof exercise program to capture the body you’ve always dreamed of but could never get. Stop fooling around with stupid fad diets, trendy workout programs or total bullsh*t theories spouted off by some flabby dumdum at the gym. You need sound advice on the fundamentals of working out with credible resources and proven results. “The 90-Day Home Workout Plan” gives you everything necessary to claim the body you’ve always wanted, the confidence you’ve always needed and the unbound energy to rule your life!


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